Managing a Program is hard.

You don't have to go it alone.

We are here to help.

Speak with an Expert

How Are We Different?

We are a group of experienced consultants who average 15-20 years experience each who have been independent consultants for a long time and share our client advocate mentality. Of course we have solid product knowledge and technical skills, but what sets us apart is the actual consulting part. We advise on why and not just how. We will not likely say yes to everything you ask for. We will tell you when we think you are making a mistake and offer alternative options.

We break down the silo mentality and provide guidance on how to deliver enterprise solutions that scale. We don't skip over topics like testing strategy, implement a change control process and change control board to be sure you know how to make changes in one module without breaking another! Fold in change management, training and documentation with guidance on how to reduce the administrative burden on these critical items.



Average 15+ years of SuccessFactors with deep functional experience.



Between us, our team has worked in most industries and many clients you know.



If you make a decision that is not best practice, you will know it when you make the decision.

What we Believe & How We Work

Building self-sufficiency in the client will not put us out of a job. We like to leave a trail of experts in our wake. We will meet you where you are. As the client gets further in their journey, we help them with the next milestone.

We do not hoard knowledge. We grow leaders.

Will they need less of our time per year? Maybe, but we will have a longer relationship and provide value.

Where are you in your journey?


strategy & scope


design & build

Post Go-Live

support & deliver


recruit & retain

Advice from Consultants with

Decades of Experience

Stay focused and leverage tech to make work easier, faster and a better experience for the people. However, resist the technology party. Don't build it just because you can. Remember that as HR practitioners, we are charged to be "the people people". This means that people should be our why, the center of everything and the driver for our decisions.

  • Gather business needs, complaints & future state goals.
  • Fix your processes - it isn't about making bad go faster.
  • Define problems and then design solutions to solve them.
  • Start with the end in mind. List fields required in employee record.
  • Please avoid the shiny object syndrome.
  • Align process to standard configurations and then optimize.
  • You can only automate what you standardize.

We have seen this before!

The Market is Tough. Experienced Resources are Scarce.

We can help. We Have a Couple of Service Models.

Subscription-Based Services

One of the biggest complaints I heard about other support models is that you buy the hours and then your consultant is not available or is slow to answer. To solve that, we schedule time with your consultant when you purchase support. They are holding time for you. You pay for their availability and knowledge.

  • Each option is paid at the beginning of each month or annually for a 10% discount.
  • Time expires at the end of the purchased timeframe.
  • We can customize the items covered based on your needs.


You run lean and have a good team but could use a trusted advisor to help guide decisions and be your sounding board.

  • Standing Weekly Call
  • Running Agenda & Issue Log
  • About 6 hours/week of support in training, design & troubleshooting

    Solid decisions &
    forward movement


Sign me up


You plan to go with a fast implementation but want to get your requirements perfect before you invite the S/I to build anything.

  • Workshops for 1 module
  • Schedule based on your bandwidth
  • About 40 hours of content, training, and knowledge transfer

A solid workbook & understanding of decisions



You need a little more of your consultant. They can dig in a little deeper and help improve your day to day with these options:

  • Weekly check in
  • Meetings & Others as assigned to include Release, Test Strategy, Support Escalation
  • 20 hours/week

Team skillset growth and program moving forward



Bucket of Hours

  • Hours are good for 1 year from contract sign date.
  • Statement of Hours Balance sent monthly.
  • Principal level certified Consultants (avg 15+ yrs experience)
  • Current coverage of all talent, learning and compensation (variable pay) modules, & EC/ECP as needed.
  • Schedule work with your consultant as needed.